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The perfect solution for electrolyzer manufacturers seeking
an efficient and cost-effective alternativist existing solution.
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Key advantages
Our cutting-edge technology streamlines processes for maximum productivity
High efficiency
Low price
Reduced metal content
Use in alkaline or anion
exchange membrane water electrolysis
Early Access Aplication

We have

Our patent-protected technology comes from years of active multidisciplinaryresearch where the problems associated with inefficient hydrogen productionare addressed by rational design of catalytic interfaces.

Green hydrogen produced using our product is at least 3-5 times cheaper

The Catalyst is intended for integration with photovoltaics or wind power

But it is also tested at currents nearly 100 times higher thanthe benchmark used for photovoltaics.

Our solution is more compact than commercial ones, allowing reduced electrolyzer volume and price reduction.

The product is easily recyclable, which adds up to theportfolio of Hydrolyzer and its future partners, getting close to the zero-waste cycle in the catalystusage.

Our Catalyst allows for currents up to 2 time higher than those used in industrial alkaline elektrolysis

Besides these attractive advantages, catalyst synthesis can result in both in the cathode itself and the catalytic powder

This lets us target an additional electrolysis niche the alkaline membrane water electrolysis technology which is an exceptionally promising field as well.

Commercial Ni Catalysts
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No precious metals used, synthesis under 2 minutes
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Cathode-side voltage reduction > 0.2 V
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Developred with benchmarking tophotovoltaics
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Pretested at 75 °C reaching 1 A cm-2
Voltage stability estimation (@100 mA cm−2)
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HYDROLYZER cathode: +30 mV/month
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High-surface area Ni: > +500 mV/month
HYDROLYZERNi-graphene catalysts
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Reduced Ni content (more than 50 %)
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Increased activity by formation of Ni-grapheneinterface and further oxidative surfacetreatment
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Thin & lightweight cathodes (3× lower volume)
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Production of cathodes or powders for AEMwater electrolysis
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We have verified our technology in laboratory conditions, andbelieve that we are at the TRL 3 while actively working to verifythe recyclability of our product and the possibility of engineeringa zero-waste cycle.
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Hydrolyzer has just been approved
for funding further development by Serbian Innovation Fund.
Early Access Aplication
Fill the form for early application
Šabačka 12, 11120 Beograd

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